Leading Forward: 3 Steps to Take Now

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected nearly every facet of our lives. Why should how we think about leadership be any different? As companies continue to deal with remote working, the economic repercussions, and customer behavior changes, the skills we value in our business leaders have been evolving, too.

The pandemic put a brighter spotlight on the leadership skills companies need in the years ahead and why they’re essential. Whether you’re in a leadership role now, searching for a new job, or working to develop your skills to lead in the future, there are three areas to focus on to ensure you’re putting the right skills forward.

Step 1: Do you have the skills you’ll need to lead?

Before the pandemic, there was already recognition that future leaders would need to cultivate, rather than manage, change to navigate the demands of globalization, digital transformation, and fast-evolving technology. To succeed, they would need to seek out diverse ideas, communicate credibly, and inspire innovation. Before COVID, I said leaders had three to five years to enhance these skill sets. Now, the timeline is accelerated, especially for the following characteristics:

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  • Resiliency: Resilient leaders adapt to disruptive changes and bounce back from setbacks – and they do it in a way that inspires their teams. Over the last few months, we’ve clearly seen both the need for and the impact of resilient leadership, so it’s no surprise it’s now at the top of the list for leadership recruiters.

  • Emotional Intelligence: Resiliency is key, but leaders must pair it with compassion and empathy. As business becomes increasingly digital, interpersonal skills like active listening, social perceptiveness, and negotiation are even more vital for those tasked with leading diverse teams through uncertain times.

  • Innovation: It’s not enough for leaders to manage change. The complex, rapidly changing business environment requires leaders to seek and distill a range of data, information, and input before making and deploying strategies. Today’s leaders must bring both curiosity and creativity to the table.

Step 2: How do you fill in your skill gaps?

The good news is that these skills can be developed and strengthened at both the leadership and team level. Having solid objective insights into the skills you need is critical for success, especially when there’s so much uncertainty.

To identify where you or your team needs to focus, tap into enterprise-level resources available, be relentless in seeking feedback, and explore options for both formal and informal coaching. Take the lead on creating a plan for building the skills you need to fit your career objectives. I also recommend incorporating evidence-based behavioral assessments to help gauge individual skillsets and motivations, identify emerging leaders within your organization, or evaluate candidates when filling leadership positions.

Step 3: How can you showcase your post-COVID skills?

Our dynamic, albeit often remote-working, world offers plenty of opportunities to demonstrate leadership skills, even if you’re not yet in an official leadership role. A good place to start is rethinking your LinkedIn profile to reflect the skills companies and recruiters are seeking. Even if you’re not looking for a new role right now, it’s an excellent way to show that you understand current business challenges and how you’re adapting. Here are a few thought-starters for what to highlight:

  • Remote working capabilities: Share examples of how you stay connected, visible, and productive as a leader or member of a work-from-home team.

  • Problem-solving: Emphasize adaptability and flexibility – and don’t forget to include the outcomes.

  • Critical thinking: Do more than list off your job responsibilities. Instead, make regular posts to LinkedIn, sharing insights and experiences that demonstrate your curiosity and willingness to learn and grow. These posts become part of your profile and add dimension to your resume.

As you take action to enhance your leadership skills, I’m here to help. Contact me to explore how a mix of evidence-based tools and consultative resources can help you thrive as a leader – today and tomorrow.